Valentines Weekend at Windward was wonderful. We had a full house and I met some great new people.  I put roses in the all the rooms and in the dining room. I told my husband to take pictures so that we can put them on the website, he said the winter light this time of year is not right for pictures. I was upset because the house looked so romantic and althought the house always looks great, there was an air of romance that I thought we could catch on film. He said we would pick a day in the summer and call it picture day. He said I could put all the roses out again and light all the candles. I am sure I will be too busy in the summer to take Valentine pictures.

A funny thing about this weekend, I sold so many Cheese plates. I usually get the Maine Cheese company cheese and make a nice plate that is given to the guests upon arrival. I was not the one buying the cheese this time, too busy fiddling with the roses, Jesse bought the cheese and he bought different cheeses than I usually get. Jesse got this great Blue cheese. I usually don’t put blue cheese on the cheese platter because not everyone likes blue cheese. This blue cheese is so good that I agreed to the change in vendors. The Blue Cheese is Great Hill Blue from Marion Mass. The Cheese plate used to be labled the Maine Cheese plate but I have upgraded it to the New England Cheese plate. 

We have a nice selection of wines to go with the cheese so it made the cheese plate a wonderful Valentine.

Order cheese plate to your room upon arrival.

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