OTA Management and/or Direct Booking System
Don't Leave Money On the TableIf you are on the ONLINE TRAVEL AGENTS you need to be diligent about the commission reports.
01. Get Big Benefits from OTAS
You can not just list your property and forget it. You need to take advantage of this marketing giant. SuiteRev can navigate all your options to get you in front of the OTA Travelers.
02. Commissions
You will receive a commission report each month. If you do not audit this report in a timely manner – You are leaving money on the table. Did a guest not show up? Guess what? – Even if you did not get paid, you owe a commission – UNLESS you audit your report correctly. Let SuiteRev handle the audits and commission reports for you.
03. Dynamic Pricing and Parity
Pricing needs to change every day to sell your rooms. SuiteRev has a process that will take make sure you are selling the right room on the right channel at the right time.
04. Direct Booking System
You want the lion’s share of the bookings to come direct. We have a direct booking system that will funnel guests to your properties website and encourage them to book direct.
What We Do
It is essential to have your lodging marketing strategy include an OTA marketing component. OTA Management is the process of looking at where the revenue is coming from, how to funnel the marketing to generate revenue and how to make the revenue sustainable in the OTA’s. The Goal is to have consistent and predictable income and expenses. Online travel agents have developed sophisticated extranet portals for lodgings to use. If a property utilizes the technology in the portal, revenue can be increased. Reviewing and adjusting items in the portal daily can put your lodging at the top of the pack when travelers are searching. Your properties presentation on a travel agent can be optimized and scored. Achieving a high score has many steps. We at SuiteRev have a clear understanding of what the OTA’s are looking for and can set your extranet settings accordingly. In addition to managing the details of what the OTA is looking for, SuiteRev will monitor and adjust your settings to position your property in front of thousands of traveler’s eyes.
Management of an OTA also includes the follow-through of an OTA reservation to the commission invoice. SuiteRev will do a careful and complete review of your OTA commission invoice. Don’t get stuck paying a commission on no-shows or guests that negotiate a cheaper rate. Make sure all involved in the reservation – guest, OTA and you – have price agreed upon.
SuiteRev’s OTA Management Package includes:
- Review of your Quality Score and Content Score in Expedia
- Adjustments of items in extranet to achieve the highest competitive score
- Advise or assist in the communication of guests through the portal
- Dynamic pricing adjustments twice a week in Expedia
- Management of Promotions twice a week.
- Audit the monthly commission report from Expedia
This service can be purchased for a 1-time monthly fee or as a yearly subscription
Get In Touch
OTA Management is part of a successful Booking Plan.