When I first moved here, I was stunned by the beauty of the area. The beautiful harbor, the small islands in the distance, the mountains at my back. I found it to be a natural place to host weddings and receptions. I was amazed when some people didn’t see the opportunities I saw in this quaint little town. I was recently at a town meeting and I was pleasantly surprised when someone had an idea for a project. A simple project but one that I thought was important. This gentleman was asking for $3,000 to make a brochure of all the town owned park areas. I am not familiar with all the areas mentioned yet, but look forward to trying to find them. When you come to visit I will help direct you to the best ones. I do have favorite spots in Camden!

1. Ragged Mountain Area

2. Laite Beach & Park- Bathrooms

3. Shirttail Point

4. Barrett’s Cove

5. Land’s End

6. Seabright Park

7. Camden Bog

8. Maiden Cliff trail and land area

9. Bog Bridge and Boat Ramp

10. Route 52 Boat Ramp

11. Village Green

12. Public Landing 15′ from Bulkhead and bathrooms

13. Bay Road – Walking Trail

14. Beacon Street Overlook

15. Marine Avenue Park and Access

16. Harbor Avenue Access

17. Megunticook River Walk – Tannery

18. G.W. Hodson Park

19. Megunticook Street Mt. Battie Parking

20. Eaton Ave. Bench and Ocean Overlook (not sure this is town owned)

21. Curtis Island and Light House

22. Camden Hills State Park

23. Harbor Park and Amphitheatre

24. Merryspring Park


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