Rockland – Maine Lighthouse Museum

The Maine Lighthouse Museum is the finest musuem of lighthouse-related material in the U.S. Extensive collection of lenses, lights, fog signals, and lighthouse artifacts. Large collection of photos, logbook, and other lighthouse data. Well-stocked gift store...

South of Camden- Rockport – Indian Island Light

Decommissioned and privately owned since the 1930’s. Original lighthouse station was built in 1850 and rebuilt in 1974. A distant view from shore is possible from the Marine Park in Rockport. From Camden, go South on US Route 1 to the ME route 90 intersection....

Camden – Curtis Island Light

Active light on Curtis Island. The original light station dates from 1836; the present lighthouse and keeper’s house date from the 1800’s. Originally known as Negro Island, the island and lighthouse were renamed Curtis Island in honor of Cyrus H. Curtis...
Maine Windjammer Association

Maine Windjammer Association

Being an Innkeeper of a 1854 house, I can appreciate the beauty of the historic boats in the Camden, Rockport and Rockland Harbors. The Lewis R French and The Stephen Tabor Ships are the oldest ships in the Windjamer Association dating back to 1871. A house or a boat...
Most Beautiful Walk in the World… Walking Tours

Most Beautiful Walk in the World… Walking Tours

The most beautiful walk in the world according to Yankee magazine – 2008. Even though it is 2013 – this walk has not changed a bit since 2008 – for that matter since 1890.  The houses are beautiful and it is like you are walking back in time. Start on Rt 1...
Mr. Wat’s Sushi Restuarant **** Sushi in Maine

Mr. Wat’s Sushi Restuarant **** Sushi in Maine

We love Mr. Wat’s Restaurant. Mr. Wat’s is our fall back place when we do not feel like cooking. Mr. Wat’s has a delightful menu of maki rolls, noodle dishes and thai dishes. The place is clean and friendly. The location is outside town in nearby...
Mr. Wat’s Sushi Restuarant **** Sushi in Maine

Mr. Wat's Sushi Restuarant **** Sushi in Maine

We love Mr. Wat’s Restaurant. Mr. Wat’s is our fall back place when we do not feel like cooking. Mr. Wat’s has a delightful menu of maki rolls, noodle dishes and thai dishes. The place is clean and friendly. The location is outside town in nearby...
Cooking Schools in Maine

Cooking Schools in Maine

Adding a local cooking class to your stay in Mid Coast Maine is a fantastic way to “eat like a local”. You will learn how to create a sustainable lifestyle with the monthly workshop classes at Salt Water Farm. Maine Cooking Classes are a great way to see...

The Innkeeper that Feels Like Santa Clause

 The days are much shorter here in the winter in Maine. The mornings are dark and often very cold. I feel like Santa Clause each morning when I wake at 6:00am to set the breakfast tables, put on the coffee, start the tea water, turn up the heat, start the fireplace...
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